We charge a flat rate of $10 SGD for standard shipping within Singapore. All orders above $200 SGD, except for furniture orders, are eligible for free shipping. Please allow 5-7 business days for your order to be delivered.
In case you require an urgent delivery, we charge $25 SGD for next day delivery if the order is placed before 3 pm. Please indicate this option during the check out.
Our courier will attempt 3 deliveries after which the item will be left at our Paragon location for self pick up.
For furniture orders, our customer service representative will contact you in order to discuss delivery options.
We charge a flat rate of $30 SGD for standard shipping to Malaysia. Please allow up to 20 business days for your order to be delivered.
In case we cannot verify your address or courier does not deliver to your area, we reserve the right to cancel your order.
Due to restrictions, we do not ship furniture or beauty items to Malaysia.
Customer is solely responsible for any and all the duties to Malaysian government charged on the order placed and will pay those upon delivery.
In case the order is returned to Jacadi Singapore due to unpaid dues, we will be withholding shipping, handling fees and any other charges related to the processing of that order.